Our connections include …
Anglican Diocese of Melbourne
St Michael's is part of a regional area called a diocese.
St Michael's is part of a regional area called a diocese.
Anglican Overseas Aid
Overseas relief and development agency of the Anglican Church of Australia.
Overseas relief and development agency of the Anglican Church of Australia.
Anglicare Victoria
One of the outreach organisations of the Anglican Church devoted to the wellbeing and flourishing of children and young people, families and adults in our state.
One of the outreach organisations of the Anglican Church devoted to the wellbeing and flourishing of children and young people, families and adults in our state.
Grace Heart Community Church
This congregation in Highett is connected with the nearby public housing area and with people in the surrounding area who may be homeless or struggling with difficulties in life. We have a weekly grocery collection and deliver to the church once a month. |
Barnabas Fund
Providing aid to the persecuted church worldwide.
Providing aid to the persecuted church worldwide.
Bush Church Aid
this is a local organisation headquartered in Melbourne with a heart for people living in remote and regional Australia.
this is a local organisation headquartered in Melbourne with a heart for people living in remote and regional Australia.
CMS Victoria
Christian people and churches committed to global mission.
Christian people and churches committed to global mission.
Christmas Bowl
An ecumenical appeal across Australia in which over 1,300 churches support marginalised people worldwide through a Christmas appeal.
An ecumenical appeal across Australia in which over 1,300 churches support marginalised people worldwide through a Christmas appeal.
Mission to Seafarers
Anglicans worldwide care for and support seafarers in ports.
Anglicans worldwide care for and support seafarers in ports.
Mothers' Union An international organisation that encourages the flourishing of communities across the world. |
Nungalinya College
A training college in suburban Darwin empowering indigenous Christians for leadership roles in churches and communities.
A training college in suburban Darwin empowering indigenous Christians for leadership roles in churches and communities.